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Spotify Remains Number 1 Music Streamer

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Spotify的应用程序已经在Roku设备上运行了十多年,Spotify的“Video Takeover”广告也在播放, which already reaches 551 million people streaming music across mobile, 平板电脑, and desktop devices, will soon include CTVs, beginning with the Roku platform.

“就消费方式而言,使用电视听音乐的比例仍然相对较小(主要设备是手机),但Spotify绝对可以接触到一批优秀的受众,——克雷格·阿默, Global Strategic Insight Director at Kantar, tells 流媒体.

Kantar的研究发现,在美国,16%的流媒体电影和电视用户正在使用Roku棒——这是一个庞大的用户数量. 只有三分之一的Roku用户在使用Spotify,这意味着音乐流媒体有一个潜在的庞大群体.


艾莉森·莱文, VP, ad revenue and marke停 solutions at Roku, said in a statement, “Roku和Spotify具有独特的优势,可以让品牌更加努力地利用家庭中的最大屏幕.”

Of Spotify’s 551 million monthly users, 220 million are subscribers 但是,尽管 $12.该公司在2022年的营收为40亿美元,同比增长21%,但亏损2.48亿美元. 该服务有 never published a net profit.

“Netflix和Disney+等平台告诉我们,有广告层的用户比无广告层的用户每用户产生的收入更多阿默说. “Obviously with Spotify the ad tier is free to use but it did introduce a first modest price increase (up a dollar to $10.99美元(在美国有个人计划的人),这并没有影响订户的总数,因此应该会产生更高的收入.”

视频广告将于本月开始测试,随后将进入更多市场. 未来还会增加更多视频广告产品,比如视频播客广告. Podcast ad spending has increased at an annual rate of 19 percent in the U.S. (或者比其他数字广告支出增长率快6个百分点)——而且是惊人的 60 percent in Europe.

与Roku的协议是Spotify推出CTV合作伙伴网络的第一步. 广告时代 预计今年CTV广告支出将增长21%,在美国和美国分别达到250亿美元和40亿美元.90 billion by 2027, making it one of the fastest-growing ad sectors. Spotify and Roku will share responsibility for selling inventory, but did not disclose how revenues would be shared.

Spotify’s head of advertising business development, Emma Vaughn, 《百家乐软件》, “CTV本质上是广告主支出和眼球增长最快的类别.”

Partnering with CTV providers lets Spotify tap into growing spending, 但它也考虑到了Spotify的计划,即创建一个广告堆栈,让广告商能够瞄准在不同平台上使用Spotify的用户.

“The dream is ubiquity,” 她补充说. “我们将把Spotify的体验与所有这些新的消费者和广告产品一起带到每个消费点.”

Spotify报告第二季度播客收入达到4100万美元,并大幅削减了该部门的业务, laying off hundreds of staff members, 此前,该节目为包括梅根·马克尔在内的创作者花费了10亿美元(8.3亿英镑), Barack Obama and Joe Rogan.

Today it has pivoted to concentrate on audiobooks,为澳大利亚和英国的会员提供15万份订阅套餐.

直到现在, users have been able to purchase individual titles, 由于与苹果在应用内购买费用问题上的持续争执,Spotify将通过自己的网站进行下载.

这一更新意味着付费用户每月将享有15小时的免费服务, equivalent to roughly two audiobooks of average length.

“进一步向有声读物扩张意味着Spotify必须驾驭不同的内容类型,并确保人们仍然可以发现新的音乐,阿米尔说。. “我们认为,用户对Spotify的满意度在18个月前有所下降,但在过去6个月里,它一直在改进提供音乐推荐和发现的方式.”

Indeed, in its recent 点播音乐 Kantar发现,Spotify仍然是最大的音乐流媒体服务提供商, facing down threats from Amazon, 苹果, 和YouTube.

该公司将其成功部分归因于强大的口碑营销,“由当前付费用户的极高满意度所驱动”,阿默说。. “值得注意的是, Spotify's recent innovation focuses on enhancing music discovery, rather than prioritising podcasts and audiobooks as it had in recent years.”

“人们对音乐服务的一些最重要的要求包括能够创建播放列表,并根据他们的音乐习惯获得合适的音乐建议. Spotify have always led the pack when it comes to those features. Their satisfaction rate among users is always higher than for competitors.”

That’s been assisted by its use of AI to build and increase engagement. 这包括 AI DJ feature, launched in North America earlier this year and now rolled out to 50个全球市场.

The AI DJ uses OpenAI’s Generative AI and an AI-属ted voice built using 2022 acquisition Sonantic 策划一个个性化的音乐选择,结合语音评论,模仿一个现场广播电台的感觉,完成运行的评论.

According to reports Spotify now appears to be developing AI-powered playlists. 在应用程序代码中发现的参考资料表明,该公司可能正在开发生成式AI播放列表,用户可以使用提示创建.

Key demos for music streaming

特别是在英国,Kantar发现TikTok在Z世代中发现新艺术家的比例很高(26%). 就整体收听习惯而言,Z世代更有可能使用音乐服务,并为这种体验付费.

“This group are the most engaged with music and the ones most willing to pay. That means they naturally skew to Spotify. 年龄较大的群体可能会使用更多的免费服务,也更有可能拥有更广泛的服务. Amazon features more heavily among over 55s, 例如, and 苹果 Music peaks in the 35—54 age group, those with more disposable income.”

Unlike the more saturated video market, the whole music streaming industry has considerable room for growth. “当 33% of households 那 subscribe to a VoD service, such as Netflix or Disney+, still do not stream music digitally, 代表s a massive opportunity for music services to expand阿默说. ““R实现这一未开发的潜力对于推动音乐服务的增量增长和整个数字音乐产业的扩张至关重要. 平台需要让自己的产品对年龄较大的群体更具吸引力,因为这是最大的赢利空间.”

That’s just looking at ‘western’ markets like Australia, the US and Europe. Spotify will also have its eye on expansion into markets in LatAM and Asia.

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